Monday, December 1, 2008

downtown... location scouting.

My boys and I have set out several times location scouting together. They love trying to be the first to scout out a great spot. Dallon and Dawson are also the world's best models. They are so patient with a mommy who never stops taking pictures.


camille swain said...

You take such amazing pics. I wish you the best of luck in your photograpy. You will do awesome!! I wish I lived close by for you to take some of our family.

M Occasionally B said...

this is so great! Finally! WIsh we lived closer ao I could have you take ours.

rouskafamily said...

It is about time you do this!! YOu are amazing. I am surrounded by awesome photographers I need to step it up.
PS I got the Nikon D80 camera, So much to learn but it is fun.

The Willers said...

I love the pics! You are so awesome! Wished that you could take our pics. Let me know if you come out this way for a visit:)

rouskafamily said...

Hey I am on Amazon looking for a gret digital photography book any sugggestions? I want to learn more about lighting, fstop, appeture just basic photography.